
The basic martial coursework, completed generally during the freshmen and sophomore years. This progressive instruction begins the ROTC experience and commissioning process as well as ensuring continued success in preparation for the Advanced course.


领导力入门I和II - u540和u541

These courses introduce students to the personal challenges and competencies that are critical for effective leadership. 学生 learn how personal development of life 技能 such as critical thinking, 目标设定, 时间管理, 身体健康, 压力管理与领导力和军队职业有关. The focus is on developing basic knowledge and comprehension of Army leadership dimensions. 教授的其他基础知识包括领导力定义, 解决问题, 有效的写作, 后备军官训练队和陆军军衔结构, 军队习俗与礼节, 战术介绍, 定向运动入门, 地图阅读, 陆地导航. Introduction to Leadership II is a continuation of Introduction to Leadership I. 报名是开放的,只有通过许可. (1小时/周)


领导力基础I和II - UE 542和UE 543

These courses explore the dimensions of creative and innovative tactical leadership and styles by examining team dynamics that form the basis of the Army Leadership framework. 重点是技术技能的持续发展, 通过案例电子游戏正规平台领导的价值和属性, 战争原理概论, 部队领导程序(军事决策过程), 小单位战术. 其他主题包括进一步发展地图阅读, 地形分析, 有效的简报, 目标设定, 以及压力管理. Foundations of Leadership II is a continuation of Foundations of Leadership I. 报名是开放的,但只有经过许可. (两个小时/周)




学生 who wish to enroll in ROTC as late as their sophomore year of college and in some cases their junior year, 或者作为电子游戏正规平台生开始一个为期两年的项目, can receive constructive credit for the Basic course by attending a 28-day Leader's Training course at Fort Knox, KY.




战术领导I和II - UE 544和UE 545

这些课程对学员的学习具有挑战性, 实践, and evaluate adaptive leadership 技能 as they are presented with the demands of preparing for the ROTC 领导者发展与评估课程(LDAC). Challenging scenarios related to small-unit tactical operations are used to develop self-awareness and critical thinking 技能. Cadets receive systematic and specific feedback on their own leadership abilities. At this level Cadets begin to analyze and evaluate their own leadership values, 属性, 技能, 和行动. Primary attention is given to preparation for LDAC and development of leadership abilities. 重点是发展领导能力, 磨练口头和书面沟通, 部队领导程序(军事决策过程), 小规模作战策略, 和演习. 报名只适用于签约学员. (3小时/周)


在路易斯堡的32天课程, WA, 一般在军校生大三之后参加, 旨在挑战, 评估, 培养学员的领导能力. 开发和评估的技能包括:


An optional 三个- to four-week course for Nurse Cadets who have completed LDAC and desire to work one-on-one with Army nurses. 学员可以被派往从夏威夷到欧洲的任何一家陆军医院. 电子游戏软件 uses this course in lieu of one 三个-credit University requirement for 军队参加后备役军官训练军团 Nurse Cadets. BC Nurse Cadets have recently spent their 三个-week training in Hawaii and San Antonio, TX.


Varied two- to 三个-week internships and CTLT are generally available for juniors who have completed LDAC and desire to gain practical leadership experience in fields as varied as medical, 法律, 科学, 或者在短时间的服役期间进行实际的战术训练. 不列颠哥伦比亚省学员参加了夏威夷和德国的医疗实习, while other Cadets have participated in CTLT in Korea and bases stateside.


秋季学期:发展领导力- UE 546

This course continues the leadership development process for students in the advanced course of military science who are pursuing an Army commission. 这门课程的重点是领导力, 包括作为军事人员的一员, 熟练策划和执行复杂的操作, 指导下属. 学生探索培训管理, 有效的员工协作方法, 发展性咨询技巧, 道德决策, 还有陆战的法则. 报名只适用于签约学员. (3小时/周)

春季学期:适应性领导- UE 548

This course completes the leadership development process for students in the advanced course of military science who are pursuing an Army commission. 这门课程的重点是领导力, 包括作为军事人员的一员, 熟练策划和执行复杂的操作, 指导下属. 学生 will further explore topics to include a military decision-making staff study, 战场上的“参谋骑”和学习, 中东文化意识, 恐怖主义的要素, 道德/伦理案例电子游戏正规平台, 并进行活动,为现役做准备, 包括行政程序, 供应/维修, and participation in professional discussion forums with serving officers, 网络中心化, 及ROTC校友. 报名只适用于签约学员. (3小时/周)





毕业前必须修完一门军事史课程. Cadets may meet this requirement by completing several BC political science or history courses or completing a course taught by ROTC Cadre. 目前满足这一要求的课程包括 美国在越南的战争(HS 111); U.S. Civil Military Relations (PO 250); The Causes of War (PO 512); The Presidency Challenged (HS 10501); 自由主义、国家建设与美国外交政策(PO 518); and others by arrangement.

Thank you for your interest in Liberty Battalion 军队参加后备役军官训练军团 at 电子游戏软件.

The Army Reserve Officers’ Training Corps is a premier leadership training institution for college students and future Army officers. 我们奖励两个, 三个, and four-year scholarships to some of the most promising students from across the country. We would like to take a moment to tell you why ROTC at BC is such a special experience.

我们项目最好和最真诚的倡导者是我们的学员. When reflecting on their experience in ROTC our newly graduated Lieutenants explained that ROTC gave them “a sense of purpose and a motivation to push [themselves] mentally and physically.这在军队里是不用说的——更值得注意的是, 然而, 难道这些毕业生都是骄傲的强者, 在不列颠哥伦比亚省紧密团结的后备军官训练队家庭, 一个一流的学术机构在一个充满活力的, 历史设置. Although BC is a partnership school with its host battalion at Northeastern University, 所有培训均在栗树山现场进行, 建立强大的, 来自卑诗省的学员之间的紧密联系, 瑞吉斯学院, 以及弗雷明汉州立大学. The Cadets noted that while many ROTC programs train in large numbers at the Battalion level, 单位的小尺寸允许更好的, more personalized training and one-on-one mentorship with more experienced Cadets.

Combine that close personalized exchange with exciting summer opportunities ranging from advanced foreign language training abroad, 领导力发展营, 军事学校会让你 in the Army for that summer—and you have a well-rounded and vigorous college experience like no other.

We are part of the Liberty Battalion which comprises 11 schools in the greater Boston area. Being a part of such a strong university consortium fosters an experience that spans well beyond the walls of BC. Cadets based at BC interact with fellow leaders-in-training from a wide range of schools such as Northeastern University, 西蒙斯学院, 伊曼纽尔学院, 萨福克大学, 伯克利音乐学院, 和温特沃斯理工学院.

If this sounds like an experience for you then we hope to hear from you again soon.

If you have any additional questions or would like to set up a meeting please feel free to contact us at sc.lyons@northeastern.edu 或致电617-373-2376.