(摄影:Caitlin Cunningham)

礼来捐赠公司. awards $15 million grant to 电子游戏软件 to support Hispanic Catholic organizations

Funding will support the 神学与事工学院’s 新纪念品 initiative to strengthen ministerial organizations serving Hispanic Catholics in the U.S.

礼来捐赠公司. has awarded a $15 million grant to 电子游戏软件 to support a project designed to empower ministerial organizations serving Hispanic Catholics to make a stronger impact on the communities they serve and better support the Church’s work at a time when Hispanics constitute nearly half of all Catholics in the United States.

“新纪念品: Leadership and Capacity Building for Ministerial Organizations Serving Hispanic Catholics” is a five-year, collaborative project that aims to strengthen capacity among ministerial organizations led by and serving Hispanic Catholics so they can advance their respective missions more effectively. 通过指导, 形成, 领导力培训, 以及大量的直接财政支持, 新纪念品 will work with 12 of these organizations to adopt best practices to be more effective in supporting Hispanic and non-Hispanic ecclesial leaders and their ministries. 电子游戏软件 will work closely with the Leadership Roundtable and other partners to advance these goals.

February 7, 2022 -- Hosffman Ospino, Associate Professor at the School of Theology & Ministry, photographed at Brighton's Saint Columbkille Partnership School.

BC 神学与事工学院 Associate Professor Hosffman Ospino will direct the Lilly Endowment-funded project 新纪念品. (凯特琳Cunningham)

新纪念品 will be directed by BC 神学与事工学院 Associate Professor of Hispanic Ministry and Religious Education Hosffman Ospino, a nationally renowned researcher who has conducted groundbreaking studies on Catholic parishes with Hispanic ministry, 为西班牙裔家庭服务的天主教学校, 天主教学校的西班牙裔教师和领导, 为拉美裔年轻人服务的拉美裔组织, 和西班牙教会的职业. 他也是“庄园”的联合首席电子游戏正规平台  Caminos: Theological Education for New Generations of U.S. 拉丁美洲/一个天主教徒,” a Lilly Endowment-funded initiative that involves a five-year longitudinal study on how U.S.-出生和U.S.-reared Hispanic Catholics discern callings to ministry.

“这里有巨大的能量, 智慧, and experience in many ministerial organizations serving Hispanic Catholics,奥斯皮诺说. “These organizations creatively advance initiatives that meet the spiritual, 田园, 以及西班牙裔天主教徒的智力需求. They are true gifts to the Church in the United States. 然而,, 许多国家在结构上很脆弱, 缺乏正式的筹款策略, 稳健的金融运作, 以及明确的领导层继任计划.”

新纪念品 seeks to affirm the strengths of these groups and work with them to develop pathways to build organizational capacity, 扩大外联和影响, and better serve their constituents—who represent the largest growing segment of U.S. 天主教.

电子游戏软件 is profoundly grateful to Lilly Endowment for its generous support of this important project,奥斯皮诺说. “It will strengthen ties of collaboration that are bound to yield many fruits for the good of the Church and the larger society.”

“新纪念品 affirms and expands on the STM’s commitment to develop and support 田园 leaders at the service of the Catholic Church,STM院长迈克尔·麦卡锡说, S.J. “We are proud to have a member of our esteemed faculty, Hosffman Ospino, lead this important project centered on mentoring and supporting a new generation of high-level Hispanic ministerial leaders for an increasingly Hispanic Church.”

新纪念品 seeks to affirm the strengths of these groups and work with them to develop pathways to build organizational capacity, 扩大外联和影响, and better serve their constituents—who represent the largest growing segment of U.S. 天主教.

通过项目, each invited organization will participate in three capacity and leadership-building programs that focus on organizational planning, 行政部级领导组成, 以及财务和组织的可持续性. 新纪念品 will also offer participants organizational networking and ministerial support as well as more than $8.5 million in direct financial resources to invest in personnel development, 人员配备, and technology needs to achieve long-term organizational goals and sustainability.

根据奥斯皮诺的说法,新时刻 旨在赋予领导者权力, 工作人员, and other people involved in carrying out the mission of these organizations to re-envision how they see themselves, 它们是如何运作的, 他们如何计划和评估他们的工作, 他们是如何执行任务的, 以及他们如何识别和培养其他领导者.

Organizations selected to be part of 新纪念品 will be invited to nominate candidates who are in high-level leadership positions or are in line to assume such positions, 等, to enroll in a new 36-credit master’s degree in Ministerial Leadership program, 由STM特别设计. The module-based degree will integrate in-person seminars and online 形成 units, require the design of an innovative capstone project to be implemented in the student’s own organization, and pair students with nationally recognized ministerial leaders and experts as mentors.

新纪念品, Ospino说, will create the conditions and inspire a renewed vision for the 12 participating organizations to advance their missions with more energy and better professional support.

Ospino added: “We hope to generate a movement that eventually leads to multiple efforts replicating Nuevo Momento的最佳实践, 的见解, and activities in order to center the work of ministerial organizations serving Hispanic Catholics.”